Continuity of Care is a NAEYC-recommended practice that helps promote positive outcomes for students. Continuity-of-care classrooms allow children to stay with the same caregiver longer than the average Center.
Benefits of continuity of care:
Enhances Teachers’ Understanding of Each Child
Boosts Knowledge of Child Development
Reduces Stress
Steady Development
Fosters Secure Attachments
Strengthens Family-Caregiver Relationships
Creates a Family-Like Atmosphere
Empowers Parents
Encourages Responsive Caregiving
Improves Child Behavior
Facilitates Smooth Transition to Preschool

Freedom of Movement
Time in a container (such as walkers, swings, and high seats) can quickly add up throughout the day if a child rides in a car seat, falls asleep in a swing, sits in a highchair, and then stands in a baby walker or other such equipment. Switching from one container to the next reduces the amount of time and ability for a baby to kick, turn their head side-to-side, wiggle, and move as a baby is supposed to do to develop the needed strength and coordination to learn new skills, such as rolling over, sitting up, crawling and walking. Container time can also create flat spots on the head and tightness in the neck. That is why you won't find baby containers in our classrooms.